explore by destination

      Not sure if you’re ready to book destination weddings? Here are three ways to know!

      Destination weddings are a wild and beautiful adventure to be a part of. For me, photographing destination weddings are provided endless inspiration, joy, and has connected me to remarkable people from diverse backgrounds. But I’ll be honest: It’s not for everywhere! While it’s POSSIBLE for everyone to see this dream of theirs come true, it’s important to accept that this jet-setting life isn’t for everyone. We way not be in a place in our life and business where we’re ready to book destination weddings.

      So here’s how to know if you’re ready to book destination weddings and embark on a new adventure:

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      01. You’re an avid traveler

      First and foremost, the obvious reason photographers and other vendors desire to start working destination weddings is because they love to travel. If you’re drawn to traveling, working destination weddings is a dream—you get to combine your work with your love for travel. While it’s certainly not all glamorous, working destination weddings opens exciting opportunities. You’re able to explore new places and expand your mind to new things all while getting paid to be there!

      So if you’re in a season in life where you have the desire and capacity to travel, you’re ready to work destination weddings.

      02. You’re open to new challenges in your business

      Secondly, you’ll know if you’re ready to book destination weddings if you’re also confident in your means of taking on a new business challenge. Adding another offering—especially one like destination weddings—is a lot to take on. There’s a steep learning curve: new marketing tactics, pricing strategies, additional logistics of travel, and so forth. It can be overwhelming at first.

      So take a good look at the health of your business, make sure systems are in-place to keep things moving smoothly, and then you can step into this new adventure with confidence.

      03. You’ve outgrown your local market and are looking to expand

      A final strong sign that you’re ready for destination weddings is if you’ve outgrown your local market. Depending on your specific market, you may have found it challenging to continue to grow. Maybe you’ve maxed out your pricing, have achieved your local wedding goals, and just desire business expansion. Destination weddings—even just hours away—are a great option to consider.

      In certain cases, like my own, destination weddings may actually be the starting point. When I first embarked on my journey to destination weddings, a mentor told me: “Conquer your local market first, then look to the destination market.” While I do agree that this is ideal, I knew it wasn’t an option for me. I’m American, and I suddenly found myself in a small German village. I didn’t speak the language yet. I didn’t know anything about German weddings. I quickly learned that the average budget for photographers is significantly lower than I expected.

      So from the beginning, I marketed to destination couples in England and France, knowing that those markets could provide the type of business I dreamed of.

      All that to say: I encourage you to take a good look at your local market. If you’re eager to expand beyond it (whether for personal and practical ambitions), destination wedding may be a great option for you!

      Final Thoughts: It’s never too late.

      Lastly, I wanted to speak to those who don’t feel that destination weddings are for them. Maybe it’s a dream of yours, but you feel in your gut that now isn’t the right time. Well, please hear me: That’s absolutely okay. It’s NEVER too late to pursue a dream. And postponing a dream until a better time doesn’t make it any less YOUR dream. It’s yours. And I believe a time will come when you feel ready to pursue that dream.

      The wedding industry likes to glorify destination weddings. But I firmly believe they’re not for everyone, and it’s not far to treat them as the “ultimate goal” for all. What may be right for some right now may not be right for another. So treasure your dream, follow your gut, and trust the course of life. You never know what’s in store!

      Bon voyage, beauties!

      Kristin xo

      Ready to make your destination dreams come true?

      Discover more educational resources:

      5 Reasons You’re Not Booking Destination Weddings

      3 Ways to Build a Destination Wedding Portfolio

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